There are a myriad of options for how you use your website. A website can be used to store information, as a social network, or for just plain old entertainment. All websites should begin with someone who has a grasp of what it takes to create a successful website. Here are a few web page design tips to help you create your own website for any purpose.
Choosing the right graphics can either make or break a website. Keep in mind that bitmap images are not usually the best type of images to use. Try PNGs instead. For simple text buttons or graphics that aren’t photographs, use PNG for files that are 256 colors or larger. Use a GIF file for anything less than 256. Use JPEG format for all photos on your website.
Testing your website in every browser available is a great way to ensure it works as you wish it to for every visitor. What works in Chrome might not appear the way you want it in Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. Before your website goes live, check to be sure that the pages display properly in all of the most popular browsers.
Don’t keep outdated content on your site. If there is content on your page highlighting an event that is already part of past history, your readers are going to abandon you quickly. Users want to spend their time on sites that are cared for, and leaving up old information shows a lack of attention to the site. Be certain to review your website on a regular basis to remove outdated items and add fresh, new content.
Maintain normal-sized pages. Not everyone who uses the Internet enjoys speedy connections, so they are likely to lose interest if your site takes a long time to load. If a user has to wait for each page to download, they may leave your site altogether.
Aim for page loading times of under 10 seconds. A well-designed, efficient site should pop up in visitors’ browsers in a matter of moments. Many users crave instant gratification, so you should give it to them.
Make sure you are prioritizing your user’s needs. The focus of the end user should always be at the forefront of the designer’s mind. Usability, user experience and interaction are all important. If they can’t find what they need then they will leave. Try to make sure you look at your site from the perspective of your visitors as you design it.
Consider buying a web design program to help design a better website. These websites will help you to create elements for your site that you may not otherwise do without them, and they will help you to do it much more quickly. Let’s face it, a boring, drab site simply drives traffic away and that is not what we want to do.
You can create a website to do just about anything you want, including videos, audio, and text communication. Every website created requires some design knowledge. Using the tips above, you can design any website that will do anything that you want to accomplish on the Internet.