Take a look at a high-level professional site, then compare that to a personal site on a free host, and you’ll quickly see that not all websites are created equal. It should be immediately obvious that good website creation is of paramount importance. If you’re aiming to learn more information concerning website design, you should ensure you read the below tips.
256 Colors
When doing website creation, use the appropriate graphics. Keep in mind that bitmap files are quite large and typically do not work well, but PNGs work okay. Try using PNGs for images that are not photos or text buttons or if an image has over 256 colors. Use GIFs for something with less than 256 colors. For pictures, use JPEG images.
Always keep the size of your pages to a minimum. Not everyone online has a fast connection, and if your website takes too long to load, people will lose interest. If the wait is too long, your visitors may give up and leave.
Always, always remove old or outdated information off your website. You will come across as undependable or an amateur if you have information on events that have long passed. Users are going to want to spend time on websites that have been cared for, and when old information is kept up it shows that the site is not being paid attention to. Make it a point to regularly update your content, and replace dated information with current things.
Let people cancel any action they have started. This includes completing forms, enrolling in email newsletters and searching the site to find certain information. If you do not give site users the opportunity to cancel an action, they are not likely to return to your site. Over time, this could negatively impact your sales and site traffic.
Pay close attention to the backgrounds of your site design. If you have a GIF background that moves, your text may be too hard to read. Your audience will have a more pleasurable browsing experience if your background is conducive to reading your text.
Consider your website’s background carefully. Certain sites contain GIF backgrounds that move, and although it may look nice, it can be harder to read the page’s content. Choose a background that goes with your site, instead of one that goes against it, so the viewers will be able to understand what you wish to convey.
Your website should be easy to scan. Most visitors won’t actually read everything you write and will skim for what they want. Easily-skimmed articles will make it easier on readers and will entice them to come back another time. It is also important that the key information is at the top of each page. Your visitors will enjoy their time on the website more.
Use shortcuts as often as you can. There are often shortcuts that can be used for just about anything when it comes to web design. You can even use HTML codes to help make changes quicker so that your pages don’t need to be uploaded again.
Each topic needs its own page. If your site has multiple topics, give each its own page. This helps your visitors navigate your site more seamlessly, and it helps search engines understand what you have to offer better. This translates to higher rankings.
JavaScript is a great tool, but don’t overuse it. For some people visiting your site, Java will cause problems instead of providing improved functionality. Everyone uses a different web browser, and all of them have new versions released fairly regularly. Some people accessing your website are going to do so with a browser that is not fully updated and compatible with your JavaScript. Also, consider that JavaScript isn’t regularly enabled in everyone’s browser. These things prevent users from making use of your website.
Always research keywords before writing content. Of course, fresh content should be your main focus, but you must also optimize your site. Knowing which keywords will help visitors find your website will help.
Utilize conditional loading and CSS pages when you are building your site. Using these techniques makes it much easier for testing and ensuing maintenance later on. You have to maintain your website, so why not keep it simple and easy?
Design tools included in a hosting package are adequate if you just want to build a simple website, buy you should not depend on these completely. Make your site as personal as possible by tweaking or adding more features to the generic website you can create via the tools offered by your hosting service.
Newsletters can generate repeat visits. If you provide customers with an opportunity to keep abreast of upcoming promotions or events, they will be more likely to return. Put the form in a convenient sidebar, and track the users who subscribe. Make sure you only send out the letter to those that have explicitly requested to view it.
You should have some place exclusive within which to work. Remove the distractions, and create a clutter-free, efficient space. Have your office tools and everything else located where you have easy access, and make sure you have an optimized space for your website design needs.
A search feature needs to be integrated into the home page and any subsequent pages to follow. This will ensure that visitors can access the knowledge you have to give, and that they came to your site to find. It is not complicated to incorporate a site search, and it will pay off in a big way.
Someone Else
Whatever file types you use for the graphics on your site go hand-in-hand with file size. This plays a major role in how fast your site loads. In general, JPEGs and GIFs are best for graphics. Though better for the actual creation of web graphics, PNG and CMP files use up a lot of disk space. To be sure visitors have a positive experience, graphics should be converted to file types that are better-sized.
Get someone to run a test of your site to see if it functions as you progress. Get impartial opinions about any new features you may add. A video that loads slowly may mean nothing to you, but someone else may disagree. Even more importantly, a video may load quickly for you, but not load at all for someone else. Always seek out different, outside opinions.
Even if you do not produce a site worthy of the best design firms, it is in your best interest to give it a shot. The odds say otherwise. A good design will attract more visitors and there is no reason why your website could not be as successful as a site like Twitter. Apply the info from this article and get busy designing!