It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first time web designer, or the webmaster of hundreds of websites, design is still the most important element of any website. You can ensure that your website attracts a wide audience by making it aesthetically pleasing, user friendly, and providing content that is enticing. For some tips on website creation to help you create beautiful and effective site, consider the tips below.
You should also consider implementing fixed-position navigation. This involves locking your site’s navigation panel as visitors scroll down. This is easy for the visitor and good for marketers.
You will need to pass the NoScript test. Download the extension to ensure your website is readable. Some content, like ordering systems, will not work properly without scripts, but when your site is completely blank when scripts are turned off, then that’s not a good sign.
Don’t use frames. It isn’t the 90’s anymore. These flawed systems were popular in the past. For example, it is difficult to scroll with frames. Use other ways to make your site easier to navigate instead.
Pay attention to the colors on your website to make sure they match. You want to make sure that your text is easily visible against your background colors. Reading dark text on lighter backgrounds is simpler than the opposite. Let your friends see your color scheme to get their input.
Speed is vital when it comes to the Internet; therefore, you should ensure that your pages load really fast. If a site visitor ends up waiting for a long time for your web page to load, they will definitely leave your site in search of a similar site that loads faster and will never recommend anyone to your site.
Consider your website’s background carefully. Remove obstacles to easy text reading by avoiding things like GIF backgrounds that move. Choose a background that complements your site instead, and visitors will easily understand they message you want to convey.
Functional websites work out for all visitors, regardless of their browser, so it’s essential that your website is tested across all the major platforms. Even though your website may display perfectly on Internet Explorer, this doesn’t mean that it will look the same on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Therefore, you should check how all the pages of your website display in all the major browsers on the market, before turning your site live.
Internet Explorer
Don’t forget about Internet Explorer 7 and 8. Lots of people grumble about IE, but they still use it, and they often use outdated versions. IE doesn’t render some modern design elements very well, so it may require a workaround. One tip of utter importance when dealing with the older Internet Explorer browsers is to educate yourself on the bug referred to as box model that haunted them for years.
Hosting your own site may not be a wise idea, regardless of how much money you have to invest. Design the site, or most of the site yourself, but let someone else host it so that you can focus on its security.
Don’t make your page sizes any larger than necessary. Some people do not have speedy Internet connections, and if they have to wait a long time for your site to load, they probably won’t be interested in viewing it. You do not want your page viewers to be stuck waiting for every page to download, or they may end up abandoning your site.
When you know about website creation, get down to practicing what you know. You want all these new techniques to become second nature to you. Continue practicing different elements of design and you’ll soon be a master.
Make judicious use of graphics to give your site eye appeal. Wrapping text around the pictures helps improve the look and feel of your site. If your website is nice, you will get more return visitors.
Video is an increasingly important element to any website, so make sure that your hosting service can accommodate it. Some servers do not have the ability to host videos. FLV files use too much room on the public servers. Therefore, you should check this out beforehand or you could potentially waste all your efforts.
Your website should be able to be scanned without problems. Usability tests indicate that the majority of online users fail to read content in its entirety, scanning instead for bits of information that are of interest to them. Emphasized text is more easily scanned and helps readers along, also better ensuring they return. Important content that you do not want visitors to miss should always be placed at the top of each page. This can help you make sure your visitors have a better experience since they can easily find what they’re looking for.
Using these tips, design the website you desire and create good relationships with your visitors. Such a site will no doubt be pivotal to the success of your online business.