You may find that hiring a company to design a website will be extremely costly. And you may not even like the results! It’s very difficult to articulate what sort of website you want to build. You are the only one who truly knows what you want. Keep these tips in mind to create a good design for your site.
As you construct your site, be conscious of the colors you use together. You want to make sure that your text is easily visible against your background colors. Generally speaking, it is easier on the viewer’s eyes when they see darker text on paler backgrounds, rather than the other way around. If you can’t decide if the colors are right, ask someone you know for feedback.
Go easy on the graphics in your web design. They are good for making your site more professional, but too much looks messy. Graphics should be used to improve the site, not overdecorate it. Your site will be much more usable and user friendly when you minimize the use of graphics.
Graphics are important for any designer but beginners should focus only on the standard graphics on their first several builds. Bitmap images usually are big and don’t work as well as PNGs. For simple text buttons or graphics that aren’t photographs, use PNG for files that are 256 colors or larger. Use a GIF file for anything less than 256. Try using JPEGs for photos.
Keep your page sizes to a minimum. Some users have slower connections and will lose interest if a website takes too long to load. Don’t waste their time or your own.
Allow users to cancel an action if they so choose. An action can be classified as completing a form or registering to receive content, like a newsletter. Forcing your user to complete an action they don’t wish to will ensure they never sign up for anything on your site again, nor are they likely to return at all.
Try not to use JavaScript too much. It has several useful benefits, but can also be problematic. Everyone uses a different web browser, and all of them have new versions released fairly regularly. They might not have the latest edition of the browser. Additionally, you need to realize many people disable the JavaScript function in their browser. These both could keep users from getting to your website.
There are many web design forums that can give you tips and tricks on what to do. Google to find the best resources and start your research.
Consider investing the time and cost to use Adobe Photoshop software to enhance your website. Programs like Photoshop are great for new web designers, because it allows them to quickly create professional websites. Although a copy of Photoshop represents a significant investment, the time it will save you and the improvement it will make in your results can easily justify the program’s cost.
When the time comes that you must choose your webpage’s background color, be mindful of the effectiveness and conservative choice that white is. White backgrounds make copy much more easily readable and give your site a more mature look. Conversely, complex backgrounds distract from your content and make your site seem much less professional. Simple is almost always the best option for background.
The cool thing about web page design is that it lets you transform your visions into reality with simple coding or a few simple mouse clicks. What you’ve learned about above are various design methods that you can implement to have a great website. Use all tips as directed.
Before going live, test your website against NoScript. Download the NoScript extension on the Firefox web browser and activate it to see if your website can still be read. When your site is just a blank page, you have a problem.