There are many who think that flashy websites catch they eye of surfers and attract them to the site. However, this only works for those with faster web connections. If you want to see traffic increase and revenue generated, use the method of keeping it as simple and professional as possible. Keep reading for some great tips and strategies on website design.
The graphics you use are important. Keep in mind how big a bitmap image is, but using PNG images work better. A PNG image should be used when it has less than 256 colors, so try to stay with that when designing text buttons, screenshots and images that are photographic quality. JPEGs are ideal for photographs.
Make sure that all of your colors match one another. It is important to have text that is easy to read on your chosen background color. A dark color for foreground text against a light background is often more readable for most audiences. When in doubt about the effectiveness of your color choices, solicit the opinions of friends.
Make sure to view your website in a variety of browsers. This will help you to make sure your site works for everyone. Be sure you research all of the popular browsers that people are using and then design accordingly. It’s also a good idea to test out your website on different operating systems.
Easy navigation is critical to keeping visitors on your site. Ensure that links are visible and displayed in prominent locations. Menus can make navigation on your site easier. To enable easy browsing, be sure that each page includes a link back to the home page.
Good websites must function with all browsers, and therefore you need to test each page so you know they work correctly under all circumstances. Even though your website may display perfectly on Internet Explorer, this doesn’t mean that it will look the same on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Go through every page with each browser and correct mistakes for a user-friendly website.
Pay attention to your background. There are sites out there that use animated GIF images for their backgrounds. This might be OK for a personal site, but it can also be a serious distraction that makes it hard for readers to focus on the text. In order to preserve your website’s focus, and make it easy for your visitors to comprehend, you should choose a background image that harmonizes well with your site instead of clashing with it.
Make sure that your website has a tagline incorporated into the design. A good tagline is a central motto or exclamation that lets a reader know what your website is focused on. This will give the visitor a quick first impression of what you’re about.
Ensure people can easily scan your information. Studies have shown that people usually quickly scan a website rather than thoroughly read it over, as they try to find the stuff that might be interesting to them. Break text into sections with headers that can be scanned easily by your readers. Also, make sure to keep the most important information at the top. This gives your visitors a better experience.
Make sure you are prioritizing your user’s needs. As a web designer, it is important that you make this the focus of your design. How easy information can be accessed and the website use are critical. You should consider these issues as you go about your work. Look at things the way your readers would see things when you go to design a page.
As you now know, there’s a lot to learn when it comes to website design. Your site is more likely to be successful if it looks good, but not flashy. Using these tips will help you better your site immediately.
Design web pages to not take up too much space. For customers with slower Internet speeds, a slow loading site can cause loss of interest. You don’t need visitors having pages get stuck every time they load because they may just leave your site and not return.