Check Out This Article On Website Design That Offers Many Great Tips

When a web designer is gifted, what they produce can be truly stunning. An effective website creation can set apart the truly successful designs from the mediocre ones. Knowledge is key to great web design. Take a look at the following tips, and see if you can pick up some helpful new website design info from them.

Use the proper graphic tools for web design. PNGs work much better than bitmap images, which are huge. Use a GIF instead if the image contains over 256 colors and PNG for test buttons and screen shots. You can use Jpegs for photos.

Frames have been uncool to use since the 90’s. Back then, they were the height of technology, but technology has moved on. Frame designs make scrolling frustrating and it makes sites more difficult to bookmark. A number of better ways exist that make it easy for users to navigate your site.

Choosing the right graphics can either make or break a website. Keep in mind how big a bitmap image is, but using PNG images work better. For images that are not photographs, use PNG format for over 256 colors. If under 256 colors, use GIF format. JPEGs are good to use for photographs.

Research your keywords. While your main focus should always be on providing your customer with relevant and current information, you first need to work on gaining a customer base. Knowing what keywords people use to find your site via search engines is a must for your website to succeed.

Always provide site visitors with an option to offer feedback. Thus, if there is a gap in your site’s offerings or visitors are confused about using your site, it will be easy for you to remedy the situation. If a visitor feel involved, he or she will want to see your website again.

Search Engines

Use fixed-position navigation. This keeps the site menus in place as visitors scroll through your site. This is easy for the visitor and good for marketers.

Frames are one feature to eliminate if you are attempting to optimize your site for search engines. People like frames, but search engines will not see your info if it is inside a frame. If there is important information that you want the search engines to see on your website, never put it within a frame. When you don’t have a high ranking, then your visitor count will be lower.

Good meta tagging practices will help your website draw in larger numbers of visitors. Using relevant meta tags on each page of your site will help search engines categorize the page and show it to people who want to know about your page’s topic. If you use poor meta tags, or worse, don’t use them at all, your site will get fewer visitors overall.

As you know, an effective website makes all the difference in the world to visitors. It’s not difficult to distinguish an effective design from a poor one, but there are steps you can take to make effective ones. Use the tips you’ve just read an start creating great web designs today.

Remember that your site should pass the “NoScript” test. Download this extension in Firefox and see how your site looks. Some content, like ordering systems, will not work properly without scripts, but when your site is completely blank when scripts are turned off, then that’s not a good sign.

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